phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog
phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog
$Id: ChangeLog 13448 2010-03-07 23:41:30Z lem9 $
$HeadURL: $ (2010-03-07)
+ RFE #2308632 [edit] Use hex for (var)binary fields,
thanks to Maarten Dieleman
+ patch #2794819 [navi] Filter for displayed table names,
thanks to Michael Valushko
- bug #2794840 [core] Cannot redeclare pma_tableheader()
- RFE #2726479 [core] configurable maximal length of URL
+ patch #2724755 [display] Full/partial text links (big T) are back,
thanks to nullbarriere
- bug [display] handle NavigationBarIconic as documented for navi buttons
+ RFE #2726479 [export] Export tables preselect
+ patch #2805828 [export] PHP array export plugin,
thanks to Geoffray Warnants
+ patch #2798592 [import] Progress bar,
thanks to Tomas Srnka
- bug [gui] Generate Password not working for 'Change Login Information', only for 'Change password'
+ [lang] Arabic update, thanks to Meno25
+ RFE #2822190 [structure] BOOLEAN is standard SQL
+ [lang] German update, thanks to knittl
+ [lang] German update, thanks to virsacer
+ RFE #2813867 [structure] Default sorting order in list of tables
+ [import] Added MySQL type-detection functionality to import library,
thanks to Derek Schaefer
+ [import] Added ODS, Excel XLS, Excel XLSX, and XML import modules,
thanks to Derek Schaefer
+ [export] Added Excel XLSX export module,
thanks to Derek Schaefer
+ [core] Added ability for tracking changes made through phpMyAdmin
+ RFE #2839504 [engines] Support InnoDB plugin's new row formats
+ [core] Added ability for synchronizing databases among servers.
+ [lang] bug #2843101 Dutch update, thanks to scavenger2008
+ [lang] Galician update, thanks to Xosé Calvo
+ [export] Added MediaWiki export module,
thanks to Derek Schaefer
+ [lang] Turkish update, thanks to Burak Yavuz
+ [auth] Add custom port configuration in signon, thanks to Gary Smith
- [core] Removed context from the error handler
- bug #2883633 [export] Export of InnoDB table is incomplete
+ RFE #2862575 [status] Order query statistics by % desc, skip rows with 0
+ RFE #2823686 [interface] Increase default height of query window
+ RFE #2129902 [structure] Don't hide indexes
+ patch #2812070 [interface] Allow selecting a range of rows by holding shift, thanks to Joolee
+ [lang] Russian update, thanks to Victor Volkov
+ [lang] Greek update, thanks to Panagiotis Papazoglou
+ [lang] Norwegian update, thanks to Sven-Erik Andersen
- bug #2929958 [import] Cannot import (French interface)
- [security] Use X-Frame-Options header to protect against ClickJacking.
+ [lang] Finnish update, thanks to Jouni Kahkonen
+ [lang] Lithuanian update, thanks to Rytis Slatkevicius
- bug #2931939 [status] Seeing "m" as unit is confusing
- bug #2926613 [edit] Copy database shows errors when DB has foreign key
+ [lang] Catalan update, thanks to Xavier Navarro (not released)
- bug #2938492 [display] information_schema sorting order
- bug #2941101 [import] import timeout when table already created and
several data lines
- bug #2944069 [config] Extraneus dot from dirname() when installed in root, thanks to ayanamist (2010-01-10)
- patch #2903400 [bookmarks] Status of bookmark table,
thanks to Virsacer
- bug [history] QueryHistoryDB is not respected
- bug #2905629 [auth] Blowfish secret is not hashed
- bug #2910000 [gui] ShowServerInfo should hide all server info from main page
- bug #2910568 [structure] Table size for ARCHIVE tables is not displayed
- patch #2899969 [core] Session lock blocks working from a second window,
thanks to Greg Roach
- patch #2915168 [import] Incorrect parsing of DELIMITER keyword,
thanks to Greg Roach
- patch #2918831 [export] Missing backquotes on reserved words,
thanks to Virsacer
- [core] Fix broken cleanup of $_GET
- bug #2924357 [operations] Cannot rename a database that has foreign key
- bug #869006 [structure] Ignore number of records for MRG_MyISAM tables
- bug [browse] "Show BLOB contents" should display HTML code that is present
in a BLOB, thanks to Vincent van der Tuin
- [privileges] Improve Proper escaping of hostname (2009-12-02)
- bug [engines] Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched no longer returned in status
- bug #2890451 [setup] Inconsistent generated "designer_coords"
- bug #2890443 [mysqli] "No index used in query" exception is reported
- bug #2891250 [ob] Garbled data in navi frame (PHP 5.2.11 bug)
- bug #2887357 [core] Slow loading times with large databases (partial fix)
- bug #2893931 [lang] Typo and empty message
+ [lang] Russian update, thanks to Victor Volkov
- bug #2823599 [edit] UUID Primary Key wrongly updated
- bug #2895894 [structure] Empty default value not set properly
- bug #2897536 [parser] Copying table with bit field with default
- bug #2893221 [core] Statement may not be safe to log in statement format (2009-10-30)
- patch #2856664 [export] Date, time, and datetime column types now export correctly to
OpenOffice Spreadsheet, thanks to Thomas Pulickal
- patch #2859788 [parser] Double-character delimiters (bug #2846239),
thanks to Thomas Pulickal
- bug #2832600 [export] Slow export when having lots of databases
- bug #2537766 [import] Comments are stripped when editing store procedures
- bug #2852370 [operations] Renaming database deletes triggers
- bug #2872247 [interface] Failed opening required 'mysql_charsets.lib.php', thanks to CyberLeo Kitsana
- bug [structure] "In use" table incorrectly reported as "view"
- bug #2879909 [interface] Removed double htmlspecialchars when editing enum column
- bug #2868328 [relations] Adding foreign key when table name contains a dot
- bug #2883381 [doc] Side effects of MemoryLimit setting
- bug #2826128 [display] Inverting sort order when expression contains a function name (2009-10-12)
- [security] XSS and SQL injection, thanks to Herman van Rink (2009-09-13)
- bug #2825293 [structure] Default value for a BIT column
- bug [display] Red arrows were reversed in the list of tables
- bug #2813879 [export] Duplicate empty lines when exporting without comments
- bug #2825919 [export] Trigger export with database name
- bug #2823996 [data] Cannot edit row with no PK and a BIT field
- bug [export] Exporting results of a query which contains a LIMIT clause
inside a subquery
- bug #2837722 [export] Run complex SQL then export does not work
- bug #2839548 [export] Triggers order on export
- bug #2826986 [display] Order by BLOB and range display
- bug [display] After clicking on Show Function or Function, the UPDATE query
is not shown after execution
- bug [structure] Missing validation for BINARY and VARBINARY (2009-08-09)
- bug #2799009 Login with ipv6 IP address breaks redirect
- bug #2796066 [priv] Inconsistent display of databases list
- bug #2802870 [display] Incorrect overhead value for InnoDB
- bug [display] Incorrect display in replication status,
thanks to Tomas Srnka
- bug #1601625 [display] The Ignore checkbox is not unchecked for ENUM
- bug #2809930 [setup] Notice: Undefined variable: k in setup/index.php
- bug [features] Incorrect report of missing relational features
- [security] XSS: Insufficient output sanitizing (not exploitable without a valid token)
thanks to Sven Vetsch/Disenchant for informing us in a responsible manner
- bug #2634827 [import] Using DELIMITER produces infinite cycle
+ new language files: uzbek_cyrillic and urbek_latin
- bug #2814109 [search] Right frame is blank
- bug #2816840 [priv] Cannot change a user's details
- bug #2816165 [display] Executed query not always displayed
- bug #2819944 [setup] Incorrect mention of designer_coords
- bug #2821757 [insert] "Insert another new row" no longer worked
+ [lang] Norwegian update, thanks to Sven-Erik Andersen
- bug [core] PMA_pow() can support negative exponents in the pow() case
+ [lang] Brazilian Portuguese update, thanks to Fabio Bucior
- patch #2822384 [docs] Missing auth_type in docs-example,
thanks to Jürgen Wind
- patch #2819728 [display] Slider effect jumping to top of page,
thanks to Jan Radem
- bug [display] Incorrect computation of overhead stats in server view
for tables under the InnoDB engine
+ [lang] Swedish update, thanks to Björn T. Hallberg (2009-06-30)
- [security] XSS: Insufficient output sanitizing in bookmarks (2009-06-15)
- [core] better support for vendor customisation (based on what Debian needs)
+ RFE #2127987 warn when session.gc_maxlifetime is less than cookie validity
+ RFE #2100910 configurable default charset for import
+ RFE #1913541 link to InnoDB status when error 150 occurs
+ RFE #1927189 strip ` from column names on import
+ RFE #1821619 LeftFrameDBSeparator can be an array
+ patch #1821619 [privileges] Extra back reference when editing table-specific
privileges, thanks to Herman van Rink
+ patch #2356575 [display] Sortable database columns,
thanks to Bryce Thornton
- patch #2486825 [lang] Wrong string in setup script hints,
thanks to Isaac Bennetch
- patch #2498350 [cleanup] XHTML cleanup, thanks to Virsacer
+ patch #2494192 [display] Possibility of disabling the sliders,
thanks to Virsacer
+ patch #2506831 [privileges] Create user for existing database,
thanks to Herman van Rink and Virsacer
+ patch #2505255 [privileges] Cleanup, thanks to Virsacer
- bug #2414056 [auth] AllowNoPasswordRoot error message is too vague
- patch #2596230 [XHTML] View table headers/footers completely,
thanks to Virsacer
- patch #2602633 [core] support column name having square brackets,
thanks to Herman van Rink
+ [lang] Lithuanian update, thanks to Rytis Slatkevicius
+ [auth] New setting AllowNoPassword (supercedes AllowNoPasswordRoot) that
applies to all accounts (even the anonymous user)
- patch #2652972 [relation] Missing code with hashing for relationship
editing, thanks to knittl
+ RFE #2123386 Added option to disable mcrypt warning.
- bug #2648502 Request-URI Too Large error from Location header
+ RFE #1731967 Check for relations support on main page.
+ RFE #2186820 Explanation for using Host table.
+ RFE #1369509 Link to download more themes.
+ RFE #1666487 Add option to generate password on change password page.
+ RFE #1694104 Allow logging of user status with Apache.
- patch #2649087 None default is different than other None in some languages.
+ [lang] Chinese Simplified update, thanks to Shanyan Baishui
- patch #2550286 [display] Sort arrows problem, thanks to Virsacer
- [security] warn about existence of config directory on main page
+ patch #2706761 [lang] Polish update,
thanks to Pawel Smolinski
+ patch #2715142 [export] (RFE #2416960, escape new line in CSV export)
thanks to Derek Schaefer
- patch #2727250 Optimizations for PHP loops
thanks to Haeber
- bug #2650776 [import] SQL_MODE not saved during Partial Import
- patch #1863739 [auth] cache control missing (PHP-CGI), thanks to stmfd
- patch #2750541 [parser] Incorrect parsing of constraints in ALTER TABLE,
thanks to Yannick Betemps
+ patch #2735162 [status] Server status - replication,
thanks to Tomas Srnka
+ patch #2745215 [edit] Multi-row change with "]" improved,
thanks to Virsacer
+ RFE #2657696 Automatically copy generated password
- bug #2787162 [interface] Table with name 'log_views' is incorrectly displayed as a view
+ patch #2665440 Detect mcrypt initialization failure
+ [lang] Galician update, thanks to Xosé Calvo
+ [lang] Swedish update, thanks to Björn T. Hallberg
+ [lang] Norwegian update, thanks to Sven-Erik Andersen
+ [lang] Catalan update, thanks to Xavier Navarro
+ [lang] Finnish update, thanks to Jouni Kahkonen
+ [lang] Hungarian update, thanks to Jozsef Tamas Herczeg (not released)
- bug #2785912 [doc] no ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in list of attributes (2009-05-15)
- patch #2739001 [export] XML does not allow spaces in element names,
thanks to Derek Schaefer
- bug #2780722 [import] Incorrect maximum file size
- bug #2780356 [calendar] Null checkbox not unchecked when date is chosen
- bug [calendar] js error "window.parent.addEvent is not a function"
- patch #2773818 [export] Invalid "Content-Encoding" header,
thanks to abignale
- bug #2787162 [interface] Table with name 'log_views' is incorrectly displayed as a view
- bug #2784400 [parser] INVOKER not understood by parser
- [core] Compatibility with PHP 5.3.0RC2 (2009-04-25)
+ patch #1808339 [doc] Apache SSLOptions and StdEnvVars FAQ,
thanks to JT Justman
- bug #2491017 [operations] ANSI mode not supported (db rename and table move)
- bug #2609346 [operations] Fix copying views.
- RFE #2127983 Readd documentation link, it does not protect against anything.
- bug #1675249 [doc] Apache reverse proxy and cookies FAQ
- bug #2682140 UUID() and CURRENT_USER() should not accept arguments
- patch #2682833 [core] Fatal error: Call to a member function isDisplayed(),
thanks to Christian Rodriguez
- patch #2702772 [lang] Duplicate sentence in Polish,
thanks to Pawel Smolinski
- patch #2709040 [doc] Wrong link in ChangeLog formatter,
thanks to Petr Vorel
- patch #2715417 [interface] Fixed truncation of enum/set values containing parenthesis
thanks to Marco Moreno
+ [lang] Spanish update, thanks to Daniel Hinostroza
- bug #2724844 Add Fields: Add index is missing quotes
thanks to Luke Armstrong
- bug #2740550 [interface] Using textarea CharEditing drops default values
- bug #2729191 [config] CheckConfigurationPermissions = false is worthless
- bug #2687046 [export] Structure export: Null always YES
- [doc] typos, thanks to Cédric Corazza (2009-04-14)
- [security] Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file (2009-03-24)
- [security] HTTP Response Splitting and file inclusion vulnerabilities
- [security] XSS vulnerability on export page
- [security] Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file (2009-02-28)
+ [lang] Turkish update, thanks to Burak Yavuz
- patch #2496403 [display] Multi-row change with "]",
thanks to Virsacer
- bug #2027720 [parser] Missing space after BINARY used as cast
- patch #2520747 [core] E_DEPRECATED compatibility for PHP 5.3,
thanks to Giovanni Giacobbi
- bug [display] Message "Bookmark created" is not displaying
+ [display] Show AUTO_INCREMENT instead of A_I when in vertical mode
- patch #2538358 [display] Conditions for relational display field,
thanks to Virsacer
+ [lang] Mongolian update, thanks to Bayarsaikhan Enkhtaivan
- patch #2553372 [display] DB comment tooltips not shown on navi,
thanks to Erdem
- patch #2561433 [structure] Display true number of rows in a view
if it contains less than MaxExactCountViews,
thanks to Virsacer
+ [lang] Polish update, thanks to Fixer
- bug #2568722 [designer] Compound key not shown
- patch #2550323 [XHTML] in server_databases.php, thanks to Virsacer
- patch #2358861 [navi] Row count tooltip wrong for information_schema,
thanks to Herman van Rink
- bug #2565948 [core] Changing the connection collation changed the client
+ [lang] Romanian update, thanks to Sergiu Bivol
- patch #1760205 [data] Insert as new row: BLOB is lost,
thanks to Herman van Rink
+ [lang] Georgian update, thanks to George Machitidze (2009-01-19)
- bug #1253252 [display] Can't NULL a column with relation defined
- bug #2009500 [SQL] Small improvements in generated SQL (partial fix)
- bug #1963184 [export] YAML export improvement,
thanks to Bryce Thornton
+ [lang] Dutch update, thanks to Herman van Rink
- patch #2407785 [cleanup] ereg*() deprecated in PHP 5.3,
thanks to Alex Frase
- bug #2417058 [properties] Edit fields: losing auto-increment setting
- patch #2444082 [changelog] changelog.php linkifies one link wrong,
thanks to Robert Xiao
- bug #2363653 [properties] Various problems with table structure
- bug [display] BIT field contents disappear when edited
+ [lang] Czech update, thanks to Ondřej Vadinský.
- bug #2461735 [operations] Table operations adds "row_format"
- bug #2445213 [export] Commas for CSV Excel 2008 for Mac
- bug #2397877 [core] ForceSSL and http auth_type
- bug #2473127 [display] Deleting rows displays tbl structure, not contents
- patch #2478940 [core] PHP 5.2+ warning does not work,
thanks to Jürgen Wind
- bug #2416418 [privileges] Escaping special characters
--- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website ---
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